Saturday, May 06, 2006

New clutch, training and then some

******To the ex boyfriend*********
I know I said I wouldn't talk about my ex, but, well, I know that he's checking my blog. This is a message for him - So, thanks for checking on me, but if you really want to know how I'm doing - call. I've thought about calling, but then I think, if you couldn't respond to my email, what makes me think you're going to pick up the phone. I'm not mad anymore. I just want to move on with my life. And I can't really do that with you hiding in the shadows. I need to get closure on this. And I'm assuming you do to, if you checking the blog.

And on with the blog...
So I've got a new clutch. Roughly $1000 later...It's fixed along with something that has to do with the axel (It was all explained to me, but for the life of me, I don't remember what he said... all I heard was "banana, banana, banana."). All is now well with my car. I've spent the last couple of days trying to clean out my studio. It's a lot harder than I thought it would be. I will miss my art studio, but i know it's a good thing to be giving up the studio. I'll be starting a new chapter in my "art life." I'm not really sure what that will be, but I'm hopefully and excited to see what it will be.
I got back into training again. I ended up doing a ton of walking while I was sans car, this last weekend. I got back on the bike, did a couple of rides to realize that the bike seat that I bought is killing me. Pardon my french, but my ass is killing me! Actually my ass bone - so I had to buy a new seat. Hopefully this one with not make my butt hurt. I went to REI to register for the Triathlon 101 seminar. And of course they were having a sale. So I was able to get my bike seat and some bike shorts all on sale. Aside for the pain in the rear, I'm really enjoying biking. It's really helped me clear my head at the end of the day. If I don't do another triathlon, I will definitely try to continue to ride.
With all the training, I'm finding that I'm really trying very hard to eat better. I still mess up from time to time. And the other day I was starting to get hungry and I don't know why but my car smelled like the best cinnamon roll ever. I'm sure it was all in my head, but man, I could have killed for a cinnamon roll.
I've also been on a couple of dates. I've met a couple of really nice guys. So we'll see what happens. I don't really know what I'm looking for. I think right now I'm just looking for someone to hang out with for the summer. Sounds kinda corny, but the summer time is always the time you want to hang out with someone and have a good time... Go for a walk around the lake, play mini golf, go to the Fremont Outdoor Movies. You know, date stuff.
And I've asked a photographer friend of mine to take some pictures of me right before the triathlon. I know I said I would try and post "before and after" photos, but I've been a bit busy lately, as you can read. I've also had my holga glued to my hands. So it's kinda hard to flip the camera - ' Specially a holga. I'm thinking I might buy another URL and post all my photos up there. Who knows. There's so much going on and not enough me to do everything.

Ok that's it for now. I'm off to eat something healthy and plan tomorrow.


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