Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Running like the wind

Today was the first time that I decided to run at lunch time. And it was great! I ended up running from our warehouse to Fred Meyer (as it was lunch time and I did need a little something to eat). I should have timed myself, but I didn't. I ended up running their, getting something to eat, eating and then walking back in about 50 minutes. So I must have kept a good pace. I'm going to give it another go on Friday and see if I can run there and back. And this time I'll time myself. I'm also thinking that if I really like actually doing a triathlon I might try and spend all winter training for an olympic distance tri. We'll see... But right now I'm loving training for this.

I also found a shirt that I want... so if anyone out there wants to get me a present... It's the one that says "Sports bras don't do me justice..."


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