Thanks Apple... I hope you rot
So I tried to bring my cracked screen ipod to the Apple store. And even though it's under warranty they can't fix it. And they basically told me that even if I sent it to Apple they won't fix it without charging me an arm and a leg because it was an "accident." And accidents aren't covered under the warranty. Then they said, next time I would buy the extended warranty. And when I asked if it would be covered if I had the extended warranty, the said no. So what's the flippin' point! So, Steve Jobs, if you're reading this... you stink! I've been using Apple products since 1990 at least. I've stood by Apple even thru thick and thin. I can't even begin to tell you the amount of money I've spent on your products. I've probably single handedly paid for your flipping mansion! The least you could do is replace my broken ipod, still under warranty, for free. For the love of god! I need to get some new pedals and shoes for my bike. That's gonna cost at least what my ipod cost!
OK, I'm done... On with the training update. So far so good. I rode on Tuesday. I kept within my target heart rate for the ride. I just need to remember that, if someone passes me, I don't need to try and pass them. Yesterday was my rest day and so is today. I've got running tomorrow, cycling on Saturday and then my swimming lesson on Sunday. And also on Saturday, the woman who I take swim lessons from Mary Meyer (actually Ed is my instructor), is giving a seminar on triathlons and what to expect. I'm super pysched about it. Unfortunately it's at REI. And there's many things there that I need... aero bars, an extra swimsuit, pedals, shoes, running sneakers, a bike rack and the list goes on...
OK, I'm done... On with the training update. So far so good. I rode on Tuesday. I kept within my target heart rate for the ride. I just need to remember that, if someone passes me, I don't need to try and pass them. Yesterday was my rest day and so is today. I've got running tomorrow, cycling on Saturday and then my swimming lesson on Sunday. And also on Saturday, the woman who I take swim lessons from Mary Meyer (actually Ed is my instructor), is giving a seminar on triathlons and what to expect. I'm super pysched about it. Unfortunately it's at REI. And there's many things there that I need... aero bars, an extra swimsuit, pedals, shoes, running sneakers, a bike rack and the list goes on...
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