Monday, July 31, 2006

Let's add to the list

The guy who's at least 10 years older than me and knows we have absolutely nothing in common but still thinks that we'd be a great couple. Really? How about the fact that you just referred to me and people my age as "You kids... when you get to be my age, you'll learn." If you want to date someone who you consider a "kid" you need help. Not another date with me. You have just been named "Creepy Old Guy." Thanks for playing... Next contestant.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Just the Highlights Please

During the past couple of months I’ve been on a few dates. Which brought to mind some previous dates. So I’ve decided to list some of the highlights of my illustrious dating career.
Let’s start with the guy(s) who stare at my breasts and/or talk to them all night long. They’re not gonna talk back to you, nor are they going to ever let you get near them. Thanks for being so obvious. Next!
Moving on… how about Short Attention Span Man. He’s the guy that spent most of the time nodding, agreeing, not listening and checking out everyone that walked by. Then proceeded to ask me a question that I had just answered. And of course, he wanted to go out again. Um, thanks, but no.
This is my personal favorite – he was already drunk when I got there. Proceeded to tell me that one woman at his office hates him. She apparently snapped at him for something. And when I asked if maybe she was having a bad day, he replied, “She just hates men.” To which I should have replied, “Probably not all men, just you.” But I kept my mouth shut for some strange reason. Then he opened up a bit more and told me how much he enjoys Riverdance, celtic music and the dealbreaker(for anyone, not just this guy. He was done well before this little nugget came out) – his Utilikilt. I will never understand the allure of a Utilikilt. You just look like an idiot. There are no shoes that a guy can wear that go with a Utilikilt. You just look like you got dressed in the dark and accidentally grabbed your wife’s ugly skirt. Sorry… back to the original rant. Even the waitress knew this date was over when we sat down. And was even helpful enough to try and say,”So would you like the check, then?” But no…he grabbed another beer and then said (and I’m not making this up. This was actual dialog), “So I really feel like we’re clicking here.” To which I responded, “I’ve heard no such click. I need to go. You are just no where near my type or anyone I would chose to hang around with.” The next day I got an email saying, “I know we didn’t really connect. But I’ve got this friend… he’s a lawyer. I think you two would really hit it off.” Are you friggin’ kidding me?
And here’s the short list of some of the highlights…the guy who kept banging his head on the table when I said something that he thought was kinda funny. Or the guy who thought we were meant to be after 2 dates. And the guy who kept referring to himself as my gentleman caller. Ew. Or the guy who I thought was gay, but then tried to kiss me as I was getting out of the car. And by kiss me, I mean he tried to shove his tongue down my throat. The guy who couldn’t pronounce aromatherapy. Or the guy who was such a low-talker that I had to keep saying, “I’m sorry, what did you just say?”
And it as this point that I would like to send a call out to all my friends. If you want to fix me up with someone, please don’t let it be the guy who you thought sounded just like one my bad date highlights. If you do, I will no longer consider you a friend. But if you know of a nice, sane guy that might be able to tolerate all my crap, feel free to give your matchmaking skills a go.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

File this under, "Um... well that happened"

I recently signed up for because I'd like to start dating again. And oddly one of the people that Match thought would be my "ideal match" was my ex. So I shut down my computer and went for a bike ride.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

It's been awhile, I know...

I know it's been a bit since I've blogged. So while I've got a bit of downtime, why not fill you up with some juicy details of my life. I tried a triathlon specific wetsuit for one of our open water swims. It was truly awful. And we also did a our first practice mass swim start. Which was even worse. I'm not sure if having the wetsuit threw me off or what, but I went right back to all my bad swim habits. I even did the mom swim for a bit (that's when you swim with your head above water because you don't want to get your hair wet). And we barely swam 100 yards and I was winded. Then when we did our actual swim workout (still in the wetsuit), I could barely swim a quarter of the way out to the buoy. I've been swimming to that damn buoy for a months now and that night I just couldn't do it. I could not get used to the wetsuit. I felt like I was fighting it the whole time. So I took the darn thing off and went up the hill to see a friend race in the crit races up at the top of seward park. On the way down the hill, I stepped wrong and twisted my knee. It was just an awful training day.
Fortunately the weekend turned out to be a bit better. I was given a 90 minute lomi lomi massage as a present for watching Tobi, my upstairs neighbor's dog. It was amazing. I'm gonna have to do that again... real soon.
Our next training day was our first brick workout. It was during our hot spell. It was about 96 degrees out. Which I'm sure is not that hot for some people, but not being around weather that hot for a bit of time, it's unbareable. And then to have to bike 7 miles and jump off your bike and run for 20 minutes. But I did alright. I kept my heart rate constant and within my target rate, and still finished the workout pretty quickly. So I felt better about my training. I also spent some more time in the water yesterday trying to get myself back to the good swimmer.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Swim, bike, run.... yeah, yeah, yeah... I got it

Thank God the weather is nice, otherwise I would not be able to get my butt out and train. I'm at the point now where I just want the damn race to be here so I can just bust it out. I'm still a bit worried about the swim, but I'll get thru it. I'm starting to make myself anxious about all of this and it's just tiring me out. Or maybe it's my job that's making me tired...

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Hey, how you been? It's been awhile

Yes, it's been awhile. I've been doing much of the same thing... working and training. Having said that, looking back, it looks like a lot has happened.
I started my team danskin group training. Whenever I have a bad day, the team training brings me out of the blues. It's been a great motivator. I'm not sure if it's because I'm a competitive person and I find myself subconsciencely competiting with all these ladies or if I just really enjoy training with other people. Not to mention that because I started training with Dillon, my coach/trainer I'm a sometimes a bit ahead of the woman in the group. For example, we had our bike test the other week. Before our group workouts there is usually a small lecture or a guest speaker. For our bike test we had one of the guys from Bicycles West talk to us about bike safety and such. He also took a look at our bikes and if we had some minor things to fix, he fixed them for us. Well it turned out that my front will was a bit tweaked. It could be fixed by tightening the spokes but I would eventually have to replace the whole tire, rim and all. Since this took a bit longer than expected, I could only do the short distance bike test. Not wanting to keep people any later than they wanted to be ('specially standing on a bike path as it's starting to get dark) I took off on my bike test - a 3 mile timed ride. I took off and got rolling. I felt pretty darn good and didn't realize how fast I was going. I finished the ride in 7 minutes. Don't get me wrong, I was working, but I was still able to talk and not be too winded. I even stayed within my target heart rate. So this week when we went on our endurance ride, I was put in the speedy group. I think that might have shocked one woman who apparently bikes all over. She was in group 2. Me and my beat up 1980s Scwhinn beat her hotrod bike.
Today we had our swim endurance workout today and one woman spent the whole time backstroking. I don't know how that is going to be good in a triathlon. You can't see in front of you. She did some sighting, but she pretty much had to pull herself up out of the water and turn her upper half around. Backstroking as a well to slow things down and get your breathing back to normal or just to get yourself out of a panic state, sure. Not for the whole swim portion of the race. It just seems dangerous.
I also did a mini triathlon. It was the first time I put everything together. It felt pretty darn good. I only did a quarter mile swim and a 6 mile bike, but I did the whole 5k run. It felt good. I didn't actually time myself for any of it. I definitely felt that after the swim the rest is all gravy.
I'm also trying to figure out my school stuff. Do I want to go to Shoreline and get the associates degree and then get a job as a dietetic technician and continue with schooling that way? Or do I want to get all my math, bio and chem classes out of the way, take the GRE and go to UW for my masters in nutrition to become a nutritionist? I'm going to try and talk to the head of the Dietetic technology department over at Shoreline and see what she recommends.