Sunday, February 19, 2006

The Internet is Finally Here!

Holy crap I finally have internet at the house! It's so nice to have a connection to the outside world via the internet and not TV. I'm hoping this helps the depression leave a bit faster :)
I just want to say to all my friends and family who read this, thank you. Thank you for being there. Thank you for trying to understand what it is I'm going thru. I know it's hard for anyone who hasn't been thru depression to understand what it is that I'm going thru. I don't think I can say it enough, it's not something I can control. I'm not in control of my emotions, my thoughts or my actions (in a way). Right now my main goal is to survive. I have good days and bad days. There are days when I think all is hopeless. And there are days when I feel like my old self. I miss my old self. I miss happiness. I know I will eventually get thru this. But right now, I want everyone to know I will be ok and I love you and thank you for all your support and love.


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