Monday, February 13, 2006

The insurance and health care system here sucks

I finally got a call back from the therapists at UW. I now need to get the therapist that I'm seeing now to write a referral and fax it in to them. From there it will take 2 days or more for them to put me into their system. After that, they could not give me an estimate as to how long it would be before I see a therapist and possible get put on medication. This is unbelievably frustrating and just adds to my depression. I'm am doing everything in my power to get better. And at every turn I have to wait. That wait could be the difference between me having a good day and me having one of those awful black days where all I want to do is sleep. I spent the weekend worrying that this blackness would come back. And I spent all my energy fighting it off. I go to bed at 9. And can sleep for only a couple hours before my subconscience takes over and wakes me up with awful dreams that I can't purge from my system.
I can't control the sadness, the anger. the rage and all the other range of emotions that I feel on a given day. I do my best to not explode with anger or burst into tears when I'm at work. But the pressure to be and act like everyone else gives me massive headaches and sucks all my energy.
I find it hard to believe that most insurance companies or big medical companies are in their line of work to help people. If that was the case, people wouldn't have to wait or go without the care that they need to get better. I know that there are people who work in these companies that do what they do because they want to help and heal people. But the money people of big business make everyone else look bad. It must be nice to have the money and the power to not have to worry about any of the worries that the rest of the world has to deal with. Thank God I'm not suicidal. If I was I would be dead by now.


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